Summer Beauty Products You Need
This weekend marks the start of summer! I want to share with you a couple of beauty products that you need in order to get ready for summer 2020. You might be jet setting and taking trips or having a summer in quarantine, but these products will work for you.
Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask
Even though you may not be taking off to your favorite island this summer the Summer Fridays Jet Lag mask is still needed. This will keep your skin moisturized and ready for all of those no makeup beach days.
Mario Badescu Rosewater Spritz
When you need a mid-day pick me up the rosewater spritz is exactly what you want. During summer you are traveling a lot more and you want to make sure that your skin stays hydrated by just giving yourself a spritz.
Drunk Elephant C - Firma Day Serum
Drunk Elephant products are amazing, but the C-Firma Day Serum is the best out for brightening your skin. During summer we have many days at the pool/beach when we aren’t wearing much makeup. By adding this serum to your skincare routine then you will make sure you skin is prepared.
Sun Bum Original Sunscreen
For those days at the pool or beach the Sun Bum Original Sunscreen will give you that glow. This will give your skin the shine that it needs for the best summer Instagram pictures.
Fenty Body Lava
If you want to take the summer glow that the Sun Bum Sunscreen gives you to the next level then the Fenty Body Lava will do just that. This is filled with sparkles that will give you the perfect highlight all over your body.
Brazilian Bum Bum Cream
Say goodbye to any fine lines or stretch marks around your bum. The Brazilian Bum Bum Cream will erase those are have you ready to strut in your favorite bikini at the pool.